You can find many folding instructions for square boxes - I also published one - see here . Rectangular ones are somewhat more seldom to find. I needed one, so I made a simple one by myself. I will show you what I did. Please try and improve it. Paper: When I digitized my books, I cut off the spine so I could use an automatic scanner for scanning the text pages. Usually, I kept the first and last paper pages which often are coloured and/or have some design. They also are a little bit heavier than the normal paper of the books. For making the box below I used such a page. Plan: I want to make a box, 14 cm long, 2 cm wide and 2 cm high. I need the box and a cover for it: so 2 boxes, the first one with the dimensions above and the second one, the cover box, a bit larger with 14.5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. From a paper sheet, I cut 2 sheets with the following dimensions (box length + 4 times box height). For my boxes, I need one paper with the size of 22cm*6cm and the second on...