The Complete Guide to Japanese Systems 全図解 日本のしくみ


The Complete Guide to Japanese Systems 全図解 日本のしくみ 

I just saw the new edition of this book at my local library. This seems like a book worth to study. Important topics in Japanese "daily" life are briefly addressed. Short but they can serve as an entry point for further study.

The older editions have a few bad "reviews" on Amazon. I call them bozo reviews, just giving points, no explanations => no meaning.  

So, better have a look for yourself when you visit your preferred bookshop.

If you have to say something about this book or the older editions, please comment. Thank you.

 Click on the photo with the contents view to see it enlarged.


Authors:安部 直文(著)/Michael Brase(訳)
publication date:2023/11/04
220 pages
MRSP 2200 yen


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