Writing Kanji and suitable pens and paper

So you decided to learn Japanese? Good idea. May I give you some small tips and tricks over the next few weeks? They are not really ordered but important nevertheless. The best is you subscribe to this blog or you come back sometimes and click on the tag link " Learning Japanese ". Writing Kanji needs a lot of training. You need to write, write, write. You must learn the order in which a Kanji is written and you must develop a feeling what looks good and what doesn't. So again my recommendation: "you need to write, write, write". Kanji can contain many strokes - really many - up to more than 30 even. Admittedly, the higher the number, the less they are in use - but still, you will have to learn to write Kanji with 20 strokes or more. If you write with a really broad pen, you cannot write Kanjis which are clear and which show distinguishable strokes. So you better choose a pen which writes (extra)fine lines. Personally, I like to use fountain pens. And for...